TWiki Contributor
TWiki (R) was written by Peter Thoeny, based on parts of Ward Cunningham's
original Wiki and Jos Wiki, and has been further developed by Peter and other
TWiki Contributors.
TWiki is copyright as described in the file COPYRIGHT in the root of this
distribution and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as described in the file LICENSE accompanying this notice. The people
listed below are identified as joint copyright owners.
A TWiki Contributor is defined as a person who has contributed:
- features or bugs that were taken into the TWiki core distribution, or
- work on extensions that are part of the TWiki core distribution, or
- considerably to the TWiki documentation, or
- major contribtions to translations.
This document identifies the following people as authors of TWiki.
On a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all who contributed ideas, code, fixes and documentation and anything else to the Open Source TWiki project. --
Note: Please contact us at
if you contributed to TWiki and your name is not on this list!
Disclaimer: TWiki gets installed on many public web sites. The TWiki contributors are not affiliated in any way with those sites.
Releated Topics: TWikiHistory, and the List of Production Releases in