Difference: PatternSkin (1 vs. 32)

Revision 322018-07-06 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 312015-09-17 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

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Skin Author: TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Copyright: © 2004-2008 TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
© 2008-2013 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
© 2004-2014 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright: © 2004-2008 TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
© 2008-2013 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
© 2004-2015 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Description: TWiki's base skin; CSS based, flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Preview: Preview with this skin
Base Name: pattern
Skin Version: 2014-07-17
Skin Version: 2015-09-17
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2015-09-17: TWikibug:Item7688: Parts of SEARCH results difficult to select
2015-05-14: TWikibug:Item7652: Fix for dark on dark links in table headers
2015-05-08: TWikibug:Item7649: Responsive multi-column page layout using CSS
2014-07-17: TWikibug:Item7534: Show history and other topic actions in read-only skin mode - this requires patching core file viewtopicactionbuttons.tmpl as well
2014-06-18: TWikibug:Item7520: Context sensitive tooltip help for Jump box and Search box
2014-06-16: TWikibug:Item7516: edit.pattern.tmpl of PatternSkin refers two invalid JS functions "enableTWikiMandatoryChecks" and "suppressTWikiSaveValidation"

Revision 302014-07-17 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 292013-10-14 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 282013-01-11 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 272012-10-24 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 262012-03-23 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 252012-01-14 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 242011-07-28 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

Revision 232011-01-04 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern Skin

 CSS based skin with clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Revision 222010-09-25 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern skin


Pattern Skin


Revision 212010-05-26 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern skin


Pattern skin

CSS based skin with clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

CSS based skin with clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.
  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = CSS based skin with clean and productive editing environment


Click for full screen image
Click for full screen image
 Click for full screen image 
Click to view full screenshot
Line: 19 to 24

Creating your own look

Template customization

 PatternSkinCustomization - how to configure page elements

Style sheet customization

 PatternSkinCssCookbook - how to customize the visual style

Changing graphics

 The original Photoshop files of the skin graphics (mainly background images) are attached to PatternSkinGraphics.

Supported browsers

Line: 74 to 82
  If this still does not work, contact the administrator who installs skins.
For further troubleshooting and feedback, go to TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkinDev. Report bugs in the Support web.
For further troubleshooting and feedback, go to TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkinDev. Report bugs at TWikibug:PatternSkin.

Skin Info

Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Copyright: © 2004-2008 TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens;
© 2004-2010 TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Description: TWiki's default skin; CSS based, flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Preview: Preview with this skin
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 03 Aug 2008 (v3.0.1)
Skin Version: 2010-05-25
<-- specify latest version first -->
2010-05-25: TWikibug:Item6453 - don't use red color in topic action, implies red-links -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny and TWiki:Main/SopanShewale
2010-04-28: TWikibug:Item6416 - fix for only two pages printing in FF 3.6 -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
03 Aug 2008: v.3.0.1 - TWiki 4.2.1 (Edinburgh) RELEASE VERSION
13 Jul 2007: v.3.0.0 - TWiki 4.2.0 (Edinburgh) RELEASE VERSION
15 Jan 2006: v.2.0.6 - TWiki 4.1.0 (Edinburgh) RELEASE VERSION
Line: 94 to 106
31 Jan 2006: v.2.0.0 - TWiki 4.0.0 (Dakar) RELEASE VERSION
28 Aug 2004: v.1.0.9 - TWiki 3.0 (Cairo) RELEASE VERSION
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.0.0)
Dependencies: TWiki:Plugins/TwistyContrib (automatically supported by Dakar)
Dependencies: TWiki:Plugins/TwistyContrib (included in TWiki distribution)
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Download: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin

Related topics

Line: 125 to 137
 Other skins:


Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.

Revision 202006-10-16 - TWikiContributor

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Revision 192008-10-15 - TWikiContributor

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Revision 182006-10-16 - TWikiContributor

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Revision 172006-10-16 - TWikiContributor

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  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = PatternSkin provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment

Pattern skin

PatternSkin provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.
CSS based skin with clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.
Line: 16 to 19

Creating your own look

Template customization

PatternSkinCustomization - how to configure page elements
PatternSkinCustomization - how to configure page elements

Style sheet customization

PatternSkinCssCookbook - how to customize the visual style
PatternSkinCssCookbook - how to customize the visual style

Changing graphics

The original Photoshop files of the skin graphics (mainly background images) are attached to PatternSkinGraphics.

Supported browsers

PatternSkin has been tested successfully on the following browsers:

  • Windows
    • Internet Explorer 6.0, 5.5 (note: Explorer 5.0 is not supported: will function but shows visual quirks)
    • Mozilla/Firefox
    • Internet Explorer 7.0, 6.0, 5.5 (note: Explorer 5.0 is not supported: will function but shows visual quirks)
    • Mozilla/Firefox 2.0, 1.5
  • Mac OS X
    • Safari 2.0.3
    • Mozilla/Firefox 1.5 (note: Firefox 1.0 will show visual quirks)
    • Safari 3.0.2
    • Mozilla/Firefox 2.0, 1.5 (note: Firefox 1.0 will show visual quirks)
  • *nix
    • Mozilla/Firefox 1.5 (note: Firefox 1.0 will show visual quirks)
Line: 44 to 50
  • Download the ZIP file from the Skin Home page (see below)
  • Unzip PatternSkin.zip in your twiki installation directory
  • Test if installed: /do/view/TWiki/PatternSkin?skin=pattern


Line: 56 to 62
  • TWIKICOLORSURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/colors.css
  • SKIN = tagme, topmenu, pattern
If TWIKILAYOUTURL or TWIKISTYLEURL don't give a value or point to non-existing files, check in TWikiPreferences that the following variables do exist and that they are set to on:
If TWIKILAYOUTURL or TWIKISTYLEURL don't give a value or point to non-existing files, check in TWikiPreferences that the following variables do exist and that they are set to on:

  • %TWIKIWEB%.PatternSkin settings:
    • Set TWIKILAYOUTURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css
    • Set TWIKISTYLEURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css
    • Set TWIKICOLORSURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/colors.css
  • %SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkin settings:
    • Set TWIKILAYOUTURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css
    • Set TWIKISTYLEURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css
    • Set TWIKICOLORSURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/colors.css
NOTE: customization of these values should be done in Main.TWikiPreferences
NOTE: customization of these values should be done in Main.TWikiPreferences
  If this still does not work, contact the administrator who installs skins.
Line: 77 to 83
Preview: Preview with this skin
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 15 Jan 2006 (v2.0.6)
Skin Version: 13 Jul 2007 (v3.0.0)
<-- specify latest version first -->
13 Jul 2007: v.3.0.0 - TWiki 4.2.0 (Edinburgh) RELEASE VERSION
15 Jan 2006: v.2.0.6 - TWiki 4.1.0 (Edinburgh) RELEASE VERSION
26 Sep 2006: v.2.0.5 - Fixed form background colors
22 Jul 2006: v.2.0.4 - Refactored info in colors.css; fixed textarea color
Line: 93 to 100

Related topics

  Other skins:


Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.

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META REVCOMMENT ncomments="0"
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Revision 162006-10-16 - TWikiContributors

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Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.
PatternSkin provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Screen Shot



  Click for full screen image

Revision 152005-10-14 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern skin

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    • Mozilla/Firefox
  • Mac OS X
    • Safari 2.0.3
    • Mozilla/Firefox
    • Mozilla/Firefox 1.5 (note: Firefox 1.0 will show visual quirks)
  • *nix
    • Mozilla/Firefox
    • Mozilla/Firefox 1.5 (note: Firefox 1.0 will show visual quirks)


Revision 142005-10-14 - TWikiContributor

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Pattern skin

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Screen Shot

Click for full screen image
Click for full screen image
 Click for full screen image 
Click to view full screenshot

Creating your own look

It is easy to tune the look and feel of PatternSkin by changing the color and space (margin, padding) settings in the Style Sheet files.

You may also choose to radically change the look and create a PatternSkin-based new skin. This is easier than to create a skin by writing new template files; you can concentrate on how things should look instead of what elements should get displayed.


Supported browsers

PatternSkin has been tested successfully on the following browsers:

Line: 20 to 30
    • Internet Explorer 6.0, 5.5 (note: Explorer 5.0 is not supported: will function but shows visual quirks)
    • Mozilla/Firefox
  • Mac OS X
    • Safari 1.2
    • Safari 2.0.3
    • Mozilla/Firefox
Not tested, but will probably work (let me know):
  • *nix
    • Mozilla/Firefox
Line: 35 to 43
  • Download the ZIP file from the Skin Home page (see below)
  • Unzip PatternSkin.zip in your twiki installation directory
  • Test if installed: /do/view/TWiki/PatternSkin?skin=pattern


Line: 45 to 53
 Check these variables here:
  • TWIKILAYOUTURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/layout.css
  • TWIKISTYLEURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/style.css
  • TWIKICOLORSURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/colors.css
  • SKIN = tagme, topmenu, pattern
If TWIKILAYOUTURL or TWIKISTYLEURL don't give a value or point to non-existing files, check in TWikiPreferences that the following variables do exist and that they are set to on:
If TWIKILAYOUTURL or TWIKISTYLEURL don't give a value or point to non-existing files, check in TWikiPreferences that the following variables do exist and that they are set to on:
	* %TWIKIWEB%.PatternSkin settings:

    • Set TWIKILAYOUTURL = %PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css
    • Set TWIKISTYLEURL = %PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css
    • Set TWIKILAYOUTURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css
    • Set TWIKISTYLEURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css
    • Set TWIKICOLORSURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/colors.css

If this still does not work, contact the administrator who installs skins.

For further troubleshooting and feedback, go to TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkinDev.

Creating your own look

It is easy to tune the look and feel of PatternSkin by changing the color and space (margin, padding) settings in the Style Sheet files.

You may also choose to radically change the look and create a PatternSkin-based new skin. This is easier than to create a skin by writing new template files; you can concentrate on how things should look instead of what elements should get displayed.

You can either:

  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)

See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.


See: PatternSkinCustomization, PatternSkinPalette

Further reading

For further troubleshooting and feedback, go to TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkinDev. Report bugs in the Support web.

Skin Info

Description: Provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Description: TWiki's default skin; CSS based, flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Preview: Preview with this topic
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 28 Aug 2004 (v1.0.9)
Skin Version: 31 Jan 2006 (v2.0.0)
<-- specify latest version first -->
28 Aug 2004: v.1.0.9 - CAIRO RELEASE VERSION - Removed twikiTopic div from attach template
24 Aug 2004: v.1.0.8 - Fix for disabled TablePlugin; added plain.pattern.tmpl
23 Aug 2004: v.1.0.7 - Change to checkboxes in edit and preview screen; removed REVINFO at bottom; style changes
22 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6b - Removed files from zip that are now part of the TWiki distribution; removed .DS_Store files
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6 - Support for twikiMoved css class
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.5 - Fix for not showing SEARCHSTRING
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.2 - Fixes print template, table paddings in topics, minor changes to style.css
13 Aug 2004: v.1.0.1 - Updated /data/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate and style.css
31 Jan 2006: v.2.0.0 - DAKAR RELEASE VERSION
28 Aug 2004: v.1.0.9 - CAIRO RELEASE VERSION
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.0.0)
Dependencies: TWiki:Plugins/TwistyContrib (automatically supported by Dakar)
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Download: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Line: 105 to 84
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Download: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin

Related topics

See also Further reading on this page.
  Other skins:
Line: 125 to 116
  Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 28 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093824372" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26547" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.8"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Style: appearance: margins, paddings, fonts" date="1129325986" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="19065" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323432" name="tips_bg.gif" path="tips_bg.gif" size="3813" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323321" name="twikiTable_header_bg.gif" path="twikiTable_header_bg.gif" size="238" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323311" name="page_bg.gif" path="page_bg.gif" size="4085" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1129323310" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1676" user="TWikiContributor" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323309" name="info_bg.gif" path="info_bg.gif" size="238" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Text colors, border colors, background colors" date="1129325055" name="colors.css" path="colors.css" size="15202" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323320" name="twikiPageForm_bg.gif" path="twikiPageForm_bg.gif" size="238" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323302" name="bullet-blue.gif" path="bullet-blue.gif" size="49" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1129323322" name="view.pattern.tmpl" path="view.pattern.tmpl" size="5629" user="UnknownUser" version=""
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" autoattached="1" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1129323308" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="TWikiContributor" version=""

Revision 132004-08-30 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

Line: 15 to 15

Supported browsers

PatternSkin has been tested succesfully on the following browsers:
PatternSkin has been tested successfully on the following browsers:
  • Windows
    • Internet Explorer 6.0, 5.5 (note: Explorer 5.0 is not supported: will function but shows visual quirks)
    • Mozilla/Firefox
Line: 64 to 64
  You may also choose to radically change the look and create a PatternSkin-based new skin. This is easier than to create a skin by writing new template files; you can concentrate on how things should look instead of what elements should get displayed.
You can eiter:
You can either:
  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)

Revision 122004-08-29 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

Line: 129 to 129
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093734622" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26514" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.6"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093824372" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26547" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.8"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 112004-08-28 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

Line: 68 to 68
  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)
If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css.
If you want to change the positioning of screen elements, modify layout.css.
 See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.


See: PatternSkinCustomization
See: PatternSkinCustomization, PatternSkinPalette

Further reading

Line: 90 to 88
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 24 Aug 2004 (v1.0.8)
Skin Version: 28 Aug 2004 (v1.0.9)
<-- specify latest version first -->
28 Aug 2004: v.1.0.9 - CAIRO RELEASE VERSION - Removed twikiTopic div from attach template
24 Aug 2004: v.1.0.8 - Fix for disabled TablePlugin; added plain.pattern.tmpl
23 Aug 2004: v.1.0.7 - Change to checkboxes in edit and preview screen; removed REVINFO at bottom; style changes
22 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6b - Removed files from zip that are now part of the TWiki distribution; removed .DS_Store files
Line: 126 to 125
  Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 24 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 28 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093599077" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26189" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.5"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093734622" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26514" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.6"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 102004-08-27 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093436572" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26169" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093599077" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26189" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.5"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 92004-08-25 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

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Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 17 Aug 2004 (v1.0.6)
Skin Version: 24 Aug 2004 (v1.0.8)
<-- specify latest version first -->
24 Aug 2004: v.1.0.8 - Fix for disabled TablePlugin; added plain.pattern.tmpl
23 Aug 2004: v.1.0.7 - Change to checkboxes in edit and preview screen; removed REVINFO at bottom; style changes
22 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6b - Removed files from zip that are now part of the TWiki distribution; removed .DS_Store files
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6 - Support for twikiMoved css class
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.5 - Fix for not showing SEARCHSTRING
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
Line: 100 to 102
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.2 - Fixes print template, table paddings in topics, minor changes to style.css
13 Aug 2004: v.1.0.1 - Updated /data/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate and style.css
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.0.0)
Dependencies: TablePlugin
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Download: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Line: 124 to 126
  Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 17 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 24 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092762501" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26112" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093436572" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26169" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 82004-08-17 - ArthurClemens

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Pattern skin

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Screen Shot

Click for full screen image
Click for full screen image
 Click for full screen image 
Click to view full screenshot
Line: 87 to 88

Skin Info

Description: Provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 16 Aug 2004 (v1.0.4)
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
Skin Version: 17 Aug 2004 (v1.0.6)
<-- specify latest version first -->
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6 - Support for twikiMoved css class
17 Aug 2004: v.1.0.5 - Fix for not showing SEARCHSTRING
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.2 - Fixes print template, table paddings in topics, minor changes to style.css
13 Aug 2004: v.1.0.1 - Updated /data/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate and style.css
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.000)
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.0.0)
Dependencies: TablePlugin
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Download: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin

Related topics

Line: 121 to 124
  Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 17 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092647527" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26003" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635051" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="6416" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635073" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" size="118816" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092762501" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26112" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 72004-08-17 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 90 to 91
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 16 Aug 2004 (v1.0.4)
Download PatternSkin: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template
Line: 99 to 99
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.000)
Dependencies: TablePlugin
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev

Related topics

Revision 62004-08-17 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 89 to 89
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 08 Aug 2004 (v1.000)
Download PatternSkin: PatternSkin.zip
Note: the CSS files in this topic may be more recent than the version in the zip file
Skin Version: 16 Aug 2004 (v1.0.4)
Download PatternSkin: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template

Revision 52004-08-17 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 67 to 67
  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)
If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css.
If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css.
 If you want to change the positioning of screen elements, modify layout.css.
See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
 The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.


Line: 103 to 103

Related topics

  See also Further reading on this page.

Other skins:


-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004



Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.

-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.4" date="1092701504" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="162422" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092647527" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26003" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"

Revision 42004-08-17 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 92 to 92
Skin Version: 08 Aug 2004 (v1.000)
Download PatternSkin: PatternSkin.zip
Note: the CSS files in this topic may be more recent than the version in the zip file
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
16 Aug 2004: v.1.0.4 - Fixes search results layout with noheader="on"
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.2 - Fixes print template, table paddings in topics, minor changes to style.css
13 Aug 2004: v.1.0.1 - Updated /data/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate and style.css
Line: 116 to 117


Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in Plugins.PatternSkinDev.


-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.3" date="1092655651" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="162337" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"


Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in Plugins.PatternSkinDev.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.4" date="1092701504" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="162422" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092647527" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26003" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"

Revision 32004-08-16 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 116 to 116


Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in Plugins.PatternSkinDev.


-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.3" date="1092634885" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="168808" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.3" date="1092655651" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="162337" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092647527" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26003" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"

Revision 22004-08-16 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Line: 105 to 105
Line: 117 to 118
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 15 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 16 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.3" date="1092634885" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="168808" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092634959" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="25954" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1092647527" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26003" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635051" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="6416" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635073" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" size="118816" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 12004-08-16 - ArthurClemens

Line: 1 to 1

Pattern skin

PatternSkin is developed to provide a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant. Its layout and color scheme are designed to provide a nice, clean and productive editing environment. For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin-based new skin.

Screen Shot

Click for full screen image

 Click for full screen image 
Click to view full screenshot

Supported browsers

PatternSkin has been tested succesfully on the following browsers:

  • Windows
    • Internet Explorer 6.0, 5.5 (note: Explorer 5.0 is not supported: will function but shows visual quirks)
    • Mozilla/Firefox
  • Mac OS X
    • Safari 1.2
    • Mozilla/Firefox

Not tested, but will probably work (let me know):

  • *nix
    • Mozilla/Firefox


Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this skin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the skin on the server where TWiki is running.

Note 2: PatternSkin is included with TWiki by default. Use the following instructions only if you are upgrading PatternSkin.


If you have set the SKIN variable setting to pattern and you still don't see the layout as on the screenshot, a few settings in may have been disabled.

Check these variables here:

  • TWIKILAYOUTURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/layout.css
  • TWIKISTYLEURL = /pub/TWiki/PatternSkin/style.css
  • SKIN = tagme, topmenu, pattern

If TWIKILAYOUTURL or TWIKISTYLEURL don't give a value or point to non-existing files, check in TWikiPreferences that the following variables do exist and that they are set to on:

	* %TWIKIWEB%.PatternSkin settings:
		* Set TWIKILAYOUTURL = %PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css
		* Set TWIKISTYLEURL = %PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css

If this still does not work, contact the administrator who installs skins.

For further troubleshooting and feedback, go to TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkinDev.

Creating your own look

It is easy to tune the look and feel of PatternSkin by changing the color and space (margin, padding) settings in the Style Sheet files.

You may also choose to radically change the look and create a PatternSkin-based new skin. This is easier than to create a skin by writing new template files; you can concentrate on how things should look instead of what elements should get displayed.

You can eiter:

  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)

If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css.
If you want to change the positioning of screen elements, modify layout.css.

See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.


See: PatternSkinCustomization

Further reading

Skin Info

Description: Provides a CSS based default look and feel for TWiki - flexible and W3C-compliant
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 08 Aug 2004 (v1.000)
Download PatternSkin: PatternSkin.zip
Note: the CSS files in this topic may be more recent than the version in the zip file
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.3 - Update to attach template, css fix to edit template
14 Aug 2004: v.1.0.2 - Fixes print template, table paddings in topics, minor changes to style.css
13 Aug 2004: v.1.0.1 - Updated /data/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate and style.css
08 Aug 2004: Initial version (v1.000)
Dependencies: TablePlugin
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/PatternSkinDev

Related topics

See also Further reading on this page.

Other skins:

-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 15 Aug 2004

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Skin package v.1.0.3" date="1092634885" name="PatternSkin.zip" path="PatternSkin.zip" size="168808" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1092634933" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1713" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635051" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="6416" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092635073" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.png" size="118816" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.PatternSkin.