| TWiki Site-Level Preferences
The following are site-level settings that affect all users in all webs on this TWikiSite. They can be selectively overwritten on the individual web level (see WebPreferences in each web), and on the user level (create preferences in your user account topic in the Main web, ex: Main.guest).
NOTE: You can lock individual settings at the site or web levels using User & Group Access Control - see section below.
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< < | General Preferences |
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- List of TWiki webs - on the first line of the upper toolbar (to add a new web, see ManagingWebs and SiteMap):
- Set WIKIWEBLIST = Main | TWiki | Know | Sandbox
NOTE: To automatically list all non-hidden webs in alphabetical order, use the %WEBLIST{}% variable instead: Sandbox | TWiki
> > | Web Preferences
NOTE: They are typically redefined in individual WebPreferences topics |
- List of selected topics in a web - the second line of the upper toolbar (usually overwritten in individual WebPreferences):
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- Copyright notice:
- Set WEBCOPYRIGHT = Copyright © 1999-2002 by the contributing authors. \nAll material on this collaboration tool is the property of the contributing authors.
\nIdeas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback.
- Web specific background color: (is overwritten by web preferences)
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- PreviewBackground image:
- Set PREVIEWBGIMAGE = /pub/TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif
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- Background color of non existing topic: ( default
cornsilk or #FFFFCE )
> > | User Settings |
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- Font color of non existing topic: ( default
#0000FF )
> > | NOTE: They are typically redefined in topics of individual TWikiUsers |
- Horizontal size of text edit box: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
> > |
TWiki Platform Settings
- TWiki platform name:
- Set WIKITOOLNAME = TWikibeta
- Image, URL and alternate tooltip text of TWiki logo: (can be overwritten by web preferences)
- List of TWiki webs - on the first line of the upper toolbar (to add a new web, see ManagingWebs and SiteMap):
- Set WIKIWEBLIST = Main | TWiki | Know | Sandbox
NOTE: To automatically list all non-hidden webs in alphabetical order, use the %WEBLIST{}% variable instead: Sandbox | TWiki
| Email Settings
- TWiki webmaster email address:
- Mail domain sending mail. SMTP requires that you identify the TWiki server sending mail. If not set,
Net::SMTP will guess it for you. Ex: twiki.your.company
> > | Email Link Settings
- 'Mail this topic' mailto: link - can be included in topics, templates or skins
- 'Mail this topic' link text
- Set MAILTHISTOPICTEXT = Send a link to this page
| Plugins Settings
- TWikiPlugins configuration: All plugin modules that exist in the
lib/TWiki/Plugins directory are activated automatically unless disabled by DISABLEDPLUGINS. You can optionally list the installed plugins in INSTALLEDPLUGINS. This is useful to define the sequence of plugin execution, or to specify other webs then the TWiki web for the plugin topics. Specify plugins as a comma separated list of topics.
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- Set TLS =
- Colored text: (see more StandardColors)
You type: | %RED% red text %ENDCOLOR% and %GREEN% green text %ENDCOLOR% |
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> > |
- Background color of non existing topic: ( default
cornsilk or #FFFFCE )
- Font color of non existing topic: ( default
#0000FF )
- PreviewBackground image:
- Set PREVIEWBGIMAGE = /pub/TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif
| Access Control Settings
- Users or groups allowed to change or rename this TWikiPreferences topic: (ex: TWikiAdminGroup)
- Site-level preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by WebPreferences and user preferences:
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Creating New Preference Variables