#VarMAKETEXT ---+++ MAKETEXT -- translate text using TWiki's <nop>I18N infrastructure * Text in MAKETEXT is translated into another language at page view time if the user activates a language other than the default English language. * Syntax: =%<nop>MAKETEXT{"string" args="..."}%= * Supported parameters: | *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* | | ="text"= or =string="text"= | The text to be displayed. | _none_ | | =args="param1, param2"= | a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing the =[_N]= placeholders in it. | _none_ | * Examples: * =%<nop>MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}%= %BR% expands to %BR% <em> %MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}% </em> * =%<nop>MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%<nop>WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%= %BR% expands to %BR% <em> %MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}% </em> * =%<nop>MAKETEXT{"Did you want to ~[~[<nop>[<nop>_1]~]~[reset [_2]'s password~]~]?" args="%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%.ResetPassword, %<nop>WIKINAME%"}%= %BR% expands to %BR% <em> %MAKETEXT{"Did you want to ~[~[[_1]~]~[reset [_2]'s password~]~]?" args="%SYSTEMWEB%.ResetPassword, %WIKINAME%"}% </em> * __Notes:__ * TWiki will translate the =string= to the current user's language _only_ if it has such string in its translation table for that language. * Ampersands (<code>&</code>) followed by one letter (one of =a...z=, =A...Z= -- say, =X=) in the translatable string will be translated to <code><span class='twikiAccessKey'>X</span></code>. This is used to implement access keys. If you want to write an actual amperstand that stays just before a letter, write two consecutive amperstands (<code>&&</code>): they will be transformed in just one. * Square brackets =~[= and =~]= in the text have a special meaning and need to be escaped using =~[= and =~]=, respectively. * Translatable string starting with underscores (<code>_</code>) are reserved. You *must not* use translatable phrases starting with an underscore. * Make sure that the translatable string is _constant_. Specially, do *not* include <code>%<nop>VARIABLES%</code> inside the translatable strings - string would not get translated because variables get expanded *before* the <code>%<nop>MAKETEXT{...}%</code> itself is handled. * Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables * Related: TWiki:Codev.UserInterfaceInternationalisation (on TWiki.org), CPAN:Locale::Maketext (Maketext documentation)
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Topic revision: r6 - 2014-01-29 - TWikiContributor
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