---+ TWiki Pages %TOC% Each page in a TWiki web is called a __topic__, defined by its meaningful, descriptive %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord title. ---++ Page Features A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit, rich in features that include: * a WikiWord title that lets you: * instantly identify what the page is about * autolink to it from other pages simply by typing it in * an edit-anywhere collaboration area where you can: * enter plain or HTML-formatted text * work with simple TWikiShorthand (the power of HTML plus special TWiki tags) * include links, images, anything else you can put on a regular Web page * an optional [[TWikiDocumentation#TWiki_Form_Templates][form]] feature to: * store structured info along with the freeform page content * use text fields and boxes, radio buttons, pulldown selector menus, checkboxes * select the right input template for each page from a choice of multiple form * a FileAttachment function that allows you to: * upload files through your browser to the TWiki server * attach any size and type of file (documents, images, applications) for viewing or downloading * make changes and update existing files * [[TWikiDocumentation#TWiki_Skins][TWiki Skins]] that work on the web level, but can also be used to customize the look of headers and footers on a single page * browser-based controls for [[#RenamingTopics][renaming, moving, and deleting]] pages: * rename a page and automatically update all the links referring to it, site-wide * move a page from one TWiki web to another * safely delete a topic to a special Trash web (invisible, but accessible to the TWiki administrators if needed) * flexible [[TWikiDocumentation#TWiki_Access_Control][access control]]: * independently determine who can view, edit, rename, move or delete topics * set permissions by individual users and user groups The configuration of your TWiki site and your own user account determine which of these features you can use. #RenamingTopics ---++ How to rename, move or delete a page You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking *More* on the control strip at the bottom of every page. Access to one or more of these three options, for a topic, a web or an entire site, may be available to administrators only. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. 1. On the page you want to change, click *More* > *Rename/move* 1. To move or delete: select the target web (=Trash= for delete)from the pull-down menu; otherwise, leave on the current web 1. To rename: fill in a new WikiName (otherwise, leave the current topic name) 1. To update occurrences of the topic name on other pages: From the list of pages that link to the topic, check or uncheck each entry as you desire - only checked links will be updated; 1. Click *Rename/move*: the topic will be renamed and links to the topic updated. * Any problems are listed; you can change them later. * If a referring page can't be update because it's locked (ex: someone is editing), it appears on an alert. You can update missed pages later by again pressing *Rename/move*. %H% Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up. %X% *NOTE:* Keep in mind that moving a topic from a view-restricted web to a public web or the Trash web will compromise security. See [[TWikiDocumentation#Managing_Topics][ManagingTopics]] for more details. -- MikeMannix - 02 Oct 2001 <br />
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r8 - 2001-10-02 - MikeMannix
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