---+ TWiki Tips Of the Day Include This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The %HOMETOPIC% of the %WEB% and Sandbox web include the part between the horizontal rules. Example use: %BR% =%<nop>INCLUDE{"%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude" warn="off" noheader="on" }%= The optional =noheader="on"= suppresses the "TWiki Tip of the Day" header. ----- %STARTINCLUDE%<div class="tipsOfTheDay"><div class="tipsOfTheDayContents"> <div style="display: %IF{ "defined 'noheader' AND NOT $ noheader='off'" then="none" else="block" }%"> <strong class="tipsOfTheDayHeader">%ICON{tip}% TWiki Tip of the Day</strong> </div> <div class="tipsOfTheDayText">%CALC{$SET(webtopic, $LISTRAND(%SEARCH{ "^TWiki[Custom]*Tip[0-9A-Z]" web="%SYSTEMWEB%, %USERSWEB%" topic="TWiki*Tip*" scope="topic" type="regex" casesensitive="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" separator=", " format="$web.$topic" noheader="on" }%))$SET(pos, $FIND(., $GET(webtopic)))$SET(web, $REPLACE($GET(webtopic), $GET(pos), 100))$SET(topic, $REPLACE($GET(webtopic), 1, $GET(pos)))}% %CALC{$NOP(%)SEARCH{ \"^$GET(topic)$\" web=\"$GET(web)\" scope="topic" regex="on" nosearch=\"on\" noheader=\"on\" nototal=\"on\" limit=\"1\" format=\"<span class=\\"tipsOfTheDayTitle\\">[[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic][$pattern(.*?\-\-\-\+([^\n\r]+).*)]]</span><br /> $summary(100, noheader) [[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic][%MAKETEXT{"Read on"}% <img src=\\"%ICONURL{more-small}%\\" alt=\\"Detail\\" title=\\"Detail\\" width=\\"13\\" height=\\"13\\" border=\\"0\\" />]]\"}$NOP(%)}% </div> </div> </div>%STOPINCLUDE% ----- __See also:__ TWikiTipsOfTheDay, TWikiTipsOfTheDayAdmin
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r5 - 2013-10-25 - TWikiContributor
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