---+ TWiki Contributor A TWiki contributor is a person devoting his/her time to contribute on the development of the Open Source project TWiki, hosted at http://TWiki.org/ . It is defined as a person who: * has contributed code that was accepted into the TWiki distribution, or * has considerably contributed to the TWiki documentation. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all who contributed ideas, code, fixes and documentation to the TWiki project :-) ---++ List of Contributors | *Person* | *Home Page* | *Comment* | | Adam Theo | TWiki:Main/AdamTheo | | | Adrian Lynch | TWiki:Main/AdrianLynch | | | Al Williams | TWiki:Main/AlWilliams | | | Andrea Sterbini | TWiki:Main/AndreaSterbini | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Antonio Bellezza | TWiki:Main/AntonioBellezza | | | Arthur Clemens | TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Carl Patten | TWiki:Main/CarlPatten | | | Caylan Larson | TWiki:Main/CaylanLarson | | | Christophe Vermeulen | TWiki:Main/ChristopheVermeulen | | | Claus Brunzema | TWiki:Main/ClausBrunzema | | | Colas Nahaboo | TWiki:Main/ColasNahaboo | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Corey Fruitman | TWiki:Main/CoreyFruitman | | | Crawford Currie | TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie | | | Cris Bailiff | TWiki:Main/CrisBailiff | | | Dan Boitnott | TWiki:Main/DanBoitnott | | | David Warman | TWiki:Main/DavidWarman | | | Frank Smith | TWiki:Main/FrankSmith | | | Grant Bowman | TWiki:Main/GrantBow | | | Harold Gottschalk | TWiki:Main/HaroldGottschalk | | | John Talintyre | TWiki:Main/JohnTalintyre | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Kevin Kinnell | TWiki:Main/KevinKinnell | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeamHallOfFame member | | Kim Covil | TWiki:Main/KimCovil | | | Klaus Wriessnegger | TWiki:Main/KlausWriessnegger | | | Manpreet Singh | TWiki:Main/ManpreetSingh | | | Martin Cleaver | TWiki:Main/MartinCleaver | | | Martin Gregory | TWiki:Main/MartinGregory | | | Martin Raabe | TWiki:Main/MartinRaabe | | | MS | TWiki:Main/MichaelSparks | | | Mike Mannix | TWiki:Main/MikeMannix | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeamHallOfFame member | | Neil !McCurdy | TWiki:Main/NeilMcCurdy | | | Nicholas Lee | TWiki:Main/NicholasLee | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Niels Koldso | TWiki:Main/NielsKoldso | | | Pauline Cheung | TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung | | | Pavel Goran | TWiki:Main/PavelGoran | | | Peter Fokkinga | TWiki:Main/PeterFokkinga | | | Peter Thoeny | TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member and author of TWiki | | Randy Kramer | TWiki:Main/RandyKramer | | | Richard Donkin | TWiki:Main/RichardDonkin | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Raymond Lutz | TWiki:Main/RaymondLutz | | | Ryan Freebern | TWiki:Main/RyanFreebern | | | Sam Hasler | TWiki:Main/SamHasler | | | Stanley Knutson | TWiki:Main/StanleyKnutson | | | Sue Blake | TWiki:Main/SueBlake | | | Sven Dowideit | TWiki:Main/SvenDowideit | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | | Ted Pavlic | TWiki:Main/TedPavlic | | | Thomas Weigert | TWiki:Main/ThomasWeigert | | | Vito Miliano | TWiki:Main/VitoMiliano | | | Walter Mundt | TWiki:Main/WalterMundt | TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member | __Note:__ Please contact a TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member in case you contributed to TWiki and your name is not on this list! __Disclaimer:__ TWiki gets installed on thousands of public web sites. The contributors are not affiliated in any way with those sites. ---++ List of Contributions * See %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiHistory * See also List of Production Releases in TWiki:Codev/TWikiReleases -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 09 May 2004
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r12 - 2004-08-15 - PeterThoeny
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