Difference: VarINCLUDE (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112015-06-05 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

INCLUDE{"page"} -- include other topic, attachment, or web page

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hidetoc="on" Remove %TOC% in included content. Useful to show table of contents in individual topics, while suppressing them if included in a big master document. TOC_HIDE_IF_
rev="2" Include a previous topic revision; N/A for URLs top revision
raw="on" (for HTTP inclusion) When a page is included via HTTP, normally TWiki will process it, doing the following: 1) Alter relative links to point back to originating host, 2) Remove some basic HTML tags (html, head, body, script) and finally 3) Remove newlines from HTML tags spanning multiple lines. If you prefer to include exactly what is in the source of the originating page set this to on. raw="on" is short for disableremoveheaders="on", disableremovescript="on", disableremovebody="on", disablecompresstags="on" and disablerewriteurls="on". disabled
raw="on" (for topic or attachment inclusion) When a topic is included, normally TWiki variables in the included topic are expanded in the context of the inlcluded topic. If raw="on" is specified, that variable expansion does not happen. You may wonder what's that for and what are the implications, which are found out on IncludeTopicRaw.
Because of the "in the raw" nature of the parapmeter, if it's specified, parameters such as encode, headingoffset, hidetoc, newline, nofinalnewline, and section are ignored.
raw="on" (for topic or attachment inclusion) When a topic is included, normally TWiki variables in the included topic are expanded in the context of the included topic. If raw="on" is specified, that variable expansion does not happen. You may wonder what's that for and what are the implications, which are found out on IncludeTopicRaw.
Because of the "in the raw" nature of the parameter, if it's specified, parameters such as encode, headingoffset, hidetoc, newline, nofinalnewline, and section are ignored.
literal="on" While using the raw option will indeed include the raw content, the included content will still be processed and rendered like regular topic content. To disable parsing of the included content, set the literal option to "on". disabled
nofinalnewline="on" Delete the new line at the end of the result if exists disabled
newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. no conversion
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.VarINCLUDE.