Difference: TWikiStoreDotPm (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

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On this page:

ClassMethod new ()


ClassMethod new ($session)

  Construct a Store module, linking in the chosen sub-implementation.


ObjectMethod *finish

Complete processing after the client's HTTP request has been responded to.

  1. breaking circular references to allow garbage collection in persistent environments

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.
Line: 180 to 176

ObjectMethod *getRevisionDiff ($user,$web,$topic,$rev1,$rev2,$contextLines) -> \@diffArray

Return reference to an array of [ diffType, $right, $left ]

  • $user - the user object, or undef to suppress access control checks
  • $user - the user id, or undef to suppress access control checks
  • $web - the web
  • $topic - the topic
  • $rev1 Integer revision number
Line: 196 to 192
  • $topic Topic name, required, e.g. 'TokyoOffice'
  • $rev revision number. If 0, undef, or out-of-range, will get info about the most recent revision.
  • $attachment attachment filename; undef for a topic
Return list with: ( last update date, last user object, =
Return list with: ( last update date, last user id, =
$date in epochSec
$user user object
$rev the revision number
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filepath Client path to file
filesize Size of uploaded data
filedate Date
tmpFilename Pathname of the server file the stream is attached to. Required if stream is set.
  Saves a new revision of the attachment, invoking plugin handlers as appropriate.
Line: 351 to 348
 Test if web exists
  • $web - Web name, required, e.g. 'Sandbox'
A web has to have a home topic to be a web.
A web has to have a preferences topic to be a web.
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ObjectMethod readMetaData ($web,$name) -> $text

Read a named meta-data string. If web is given the meta-data is stored alongside a web.

ObjectMethod saveMetaData ($web,$name) -> $text


ObjectMethod eachChange ($web,$time) -> $iterator

Write a named meta-data string. If web is given the meta-data is stored alongside a web.
Get an iterator over the list of all the changes in the given web between $time and now. $time is a time in seconds since 1st Jan 1970, and is not guaranteed to return any changes that occurred before (now - {Store}{RememberChangesFor}). Changes are returned in most-recent-first order.
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title Title prepended to the returned search results
default defualt value if there are no results
web web to search in, default is all webs
format string for custom formatting results
 The idea is that people can search for meta-data values without having to be aware of how or where meta-data is stored.
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ObjectMethod *searchInWebMetaData ($query,$web,\@topics) -> \%matches

Search for a meta-data expression in the content of a web. $query must be a TWiki::Query object.

Returns a reference to a hash that maps the names of topics that all matched to the result of the query expression (e.g. if the query expression is 'TOPICPARENT.name' then you will get back a hash that maps topic names to their parent.


ObjectMethod *searchInWebContent ($searchString,$web,\@topics,\%options) -> \%map

Search for a string in the content of a web. The search must be over all

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