Difference: TWikiPreferences (90 vs. 91)

Revision 912017-02-12 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Site-Level Preferences

This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite.

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        • If not set: included TOC is shown
        • Possible values: on or nothing
  • When you create a new web with ManagingWebs, topics are copied from the template web, which can be any web. In doing so, you can specify topics to exclude. And you can specify topics not to exclude. The following defines the default value of the exclude exception.

Default User Settings

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    • Set CHILDREN = %METASEARCH{ type="parent" web="%web{ default="" }%" topic="%topic{ default="" }%" format="%format{ default="$topic" }%" separator="%separator{ default=", " }%" }%

    • Set DASHBOARD = %INCLUDE{ "TWiki.TWikiDashboardAddOn" section="%section%" %IF{ "'%height{ default="" }%'!=''" then="height=\"%height%\"" }% %IF{ "'%width{ default="" }%'!=''" then="width=\"%width%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%image{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="image=\"%image%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%title{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="title=\"%title%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button1{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button1=\"%button1%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button2{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button2=\"%button2%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button3{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button3=\"%button3%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button4{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button4=\"%button4%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button5{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button5=\"%button5%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button6{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button6=\"%button6%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button7{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button7=\"%button7%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button8{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button8=\"%button8%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%style{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="style=\"%style%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%titlestyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="titlestyle=\"%titlestyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%contentstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="contentstyle=\"%contentstyle%\"" }% }%
    • Set DASHBOARD = %INCLUDE{ "TWiki.TWikiDashboardAddOn" section="%section%" %IF{ "'%height{ default="" }%'!=''" then="height=\"%height%\"" }% %IF{ "'%width{ default="" }%'!=''" then="width=\"%width%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%image{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="image=\"%image%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%title{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="title=\"%title%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%text{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="text=\"%text%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button1{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button1=\"%button1%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button2{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button2=\"%button2%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button3{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button3=\"%button3%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button4{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button4=\"%button4%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button5{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button5=\"%button5%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button6{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button6=\"%button6%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button7{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button7=\"%button7%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button8{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button8=\"%button8%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%style{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="style=\"%style%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%titlestyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="titlestyle=\"%titlestyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%textstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="textstyle=\"%textstyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%contentstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="contentstyle=\"%contentstyle%\"" }% }%
  • UserReports variable, documented in VarUSERREPORT:
    • Set USERREPORT = %INCLUDE{ "TWiki.UserReports" section="%action%" %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%search{ default="~~" }%" type="entity" }%'!='~~'" then="search=\"%search%\"" }% %IF{ "'%limit{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="limit=\"%limit%\"" }% %IF{ "'%order{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="order=\"%order%\"" }% %IF{ "'%sort{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="sort=\"%sort%\"" }% %IF{ "'%reverse{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="reverse=\"%reverse%\"" }% %IF{ "'%user{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="user=\"%user%\"" }% %IF{ "'%users{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="users=\"%users%\"" }% %IF{ "'%selected{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="selected=\"%selected%\"" }% %IF{ "'%height{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="height=\"%height%\"" }% %IF{ "'%width{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="width=\"%width%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%title{ default="~~" }%" type="entity" }%'!='~~'" then="title=\"%title%\"" }% %IF{ "'%name{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="name=\"%name%\"" }% %IF{ "'%columns{ default="~~" }%'!='~~'" then="columns=\"%columns%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%style{ default="~~" }%" type="entity" }%'!='~~'" then="style=\"%style%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%firstoption{ default="~~" }%" type="entity" }%'!='~~'" then="firstoption=\"%firstoption%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%firstvalue{ default="~~" }%" type="entity" }%'!='~~'" then="firstvalue=\"%firstvalue%\"" }% }%
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    • Add %PARENTBC% to a heading of a topic to show the breadcrumb of its parents. Parent topics are linked, topic names are shown spaced out in a smaller font, and are separated by » quotes. In addition, a parentlist SetGetPlugin variable is set to the parent list, and a parent variable is set to the immediate parent. This can be retrieved later in the topic using %GET{parentlist}% and %GET{parent}%, respectively.
    • Example raw text:
      ---+ %PARENTBC% Myself and me
    • Expands to:

      Grandma And Granpa » Mother And Father » Myself and me

    • Set PARENTBC = »
    • Set PARENTBC =
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPreferences.