Difference: TWikiLoginManagerDotPm (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-04-12 - TWikiContributor

Line: 20 to 20
  Here's an overview of how it works:
Early in TWiki::new, the login manager is created. The creation of the login manager does two things:
  1. If sessions are in use, it loads CGI::Session but doesn't initialise the session yet.
  2. Creates the login manager object
Early in TWiki::new, the login manager is created. The creation of the login manager does two things:
  1. If sessions are in use, it loads CGI::Session but doesn't initialise the session yet.
  2. Creates the login manager object
 Slightly later in TWiki::new, loginManager->loadSession is called.
  1. Calls loginManager->getUser to get the username before the session is created
  1. Calls loginManager->getUser to get the username before the session is created
    • TWiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin looks at REMOTE_USER (only for authenticated scripts)
    • TWiki::LoginManager::TemplateLogin just returns undef
  1. reads the TWIKISID cookie to get the SID (or the TWIKISID parameters in the CGI query if cookies aren't available, or IP2SID mapping if that's enabled).
  2. Creates the CGI::Session object, and the session is thereby read.
  3. If the username still isn't known, reads it from the cookie. Thus TWiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin overrides the cookie using REMOTE_USER, and TWiki::LoginManager::TemplateLogin always uses the session.
  1. reads the TWIKISID cookie to get the SID (or the TWIKISID parameters in the CGI query if cookies aren't available, or IP2SID mapping if that's enabled).
  2. Creates the CGI::Session object, and the session is thereby read.
  3. If the username still isn't known, reads it from the cookie. Thus TWiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin overrides the cookie using REMOTE_USER, and TWiki::LoginManager::TemplateLogin always uses the session.
Later again in TWiki::new, plugins are given a chance to override the username found from the loginManager.
Later again in TWiki::new, plugins are given a chance to override the username found from the loginManager.
The last step in TWiki::new is to find the user, using whatever user mapping manager is in place.
The last step in TWiki::new is to find the user, using whatever user mapping manager is in place.

ObjectData =twiki

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